RochelLeah's RealLife

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Religious Bodies Move To Probe Conditions At Kosher Meat Plant

This guilt-ridden meat-eater hopes that someone will finally do something to make the Kosher meat plants respect their workers and their animals enough to observe aspects of Jewish law other than just the slaughter of the animals.

Religious Bodies Move To Probe Conditions At Kosher Meat Plant

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Contact Lenses vs. Eyeglasses

I got contacts today, for the first time in probably eight years. I gave up on them when I spent a year in Israel, due to the dryness and pollution of Jerusalem's air. Due to a couple passing suggestions from J., combined with a desire to do downward dog and triangle pose without my glasses falling off my face and do other sporty things without steaming up my glasses, I decided that the time had come for me to go back to contacts.

I had forgotten how different glasses and contacts are. The first thing I noticed was, "Why does everything at an arms' length or closer look so HUGE?" Apparently this is because I'm actually seeing them their natural, undistorted size. Going clothes shopping was very odd... I kept wanting to try on clothes that were slightly too small because they looked like the clothes I was trying on before (which my glasses made smaller). As I speak, my laptop looks enormous. Seriously. My keyboard looks larger than should fit my hands... but my hands look bigger, too.

The other thing I'm noticing is that my eyes have a harder time focusing on written things. I can read fine, but it feels like it takes more work. I suppose that's why my old optometrist told me that, if I went back to wearing contacts, I should wear very mild reading glasses with them.

It's all going to take a lot of getting used to, but I'm excited to see the look on J's face when I see him on Thursday.

Contact Lenses vs. Eyeglasses

Friday, June 02, 2006

If anyone plays me in a movie...

collette.jpg (JPEG Image, 200x208 pixels)

A few days ago, J. and I were having one of our flirty little IM conversations (may they continue for many years to come...). As I had just watched Capote, I started musing about who I would want to play me. In a moment of inspiration, I said "Toni Collette." I stick by it. Joshua found this photo, which greatly resembles a particularly sexy shot of me. Enjoy!


Over the weekend, I watched Capote on my recently repaired computer (with new optical drive). It was one of the best movies I saw in recent years. Its depiction of the moral ambiguity of writing--particularly journalism--is timely. Moreover, it does exactly what all biopics should do, but (almost always) don't: examine an important transition in a person's life, rather than trying to summarize an entire lifetime.

While reading more about Truman Capote and In Cold Blood, I found an awesome interview that Capote gave his friend George Plimpton when the book was released. Check it out: The Story Behind a Nonfiction Novel.